

A program for Pilates instructors who are committed to excellence.

The Ascend Mentorship Program is an intensive, 10 module course presented by Angelie Melzer and her team of trusted practitioners.
The course is designed to “level up” your Pilates instructor abilities by focusing on the most important aspects of next level Pilates instruction.

If you’re ready to learn how to successfully address even the most challenging clients' needs, all while growing your Pilates business  - we’re ready for you!

Enroll Now →

“ Angelie Melzer is a top notch instructor. She presents the material with passion and truly has a desire for others to learn.

As an instructor, I would like to one day reach the needs of my students the way Angelie does. She is an inspiration! 

Hi, I’m Angelie Melzer and I train Pilates Instructors just like you on the exact methods needed to reach a new level in Pilates instruction.


If you’ve reached a point in your Pilates career where you want to be able to TRULY impact any client you encounter (no matter their unique challenges & needs), the Ascend Mentorship Program is exactly what you need.
We are so excited to present this program for the first time in this year-long format to deep dive into the topics I am repeatedly asked about from both new and seasoned Pilates instructors.


This 10 module course will give you the GIFT of knowing EXACTLY how to maximumly impact every individual body in front of you.

When you are confident in your knowledge of a wide variety of movement patterns, special needs/ailments & have the verbal and physical cues to elicit deeper reactions from your clients, your Pilates studio/business can Ascend to new heights.




Have you ever thought?:

angelie pilates digital course
angelie pilates digital course
angelie pilates digital course
These are the messages I've received for years from ambitious Pilates instructors who want to take their instruction (and in turn their business) to a new level. 
I've spent years investing the time and hands on experience with specialty clients and I’m excited to share my tried and true techniques with you!

“A few well-designed movements, properly performed in a balanced sequence, are worth hours of sloppy calisthenics or forced contortion.”


Joseph Pilates

The Ascend Mentorship Program is for you if you’ve felt the frustration of working with a client and not seeing the results you know you should be achieving.




  • Expand your knowledge base to include innovative cueing for challenging clients
  • Decrease your assessment time and make your client assessments more useful & complete
  • Learn how to have conversations with clients who have sensitive issues such as trauma or abuse
  • Master an advanced flow on all apparatuses
  • Learn and master protocol for patients with Scoliosis
  • Pick the brain of a Pilates master with extensive Pilates Instruction and Pilates Studio ownership experience
  • Instruct with a new level of confidence in ANY situation
If you know you and your Pilates Studio would benefit from one (or many) of the items listed above, the Ascend Mentor Program is made for you. Angelie and her team will personally walk you though each module, addressing your unique needs and development as an instructor.
Emerge from the course confident and with a whole new level of knowledge and enthusiasm for your Pilates practice and instruction abilities.
Enroll Now!

By the end of this course,
you will have:


A Roadmap for your Goals as an Instructor

Not only will you get feedback from and goal coaching for your journey through the Ascend course, you’ll have the accountability to accomplish your BIG goals.


Tools to Assess & Create Protocol for Even the Most Specialty Patient

Never guess what needs to be done to get a patient into healthy movement patterns. You will know what to look for in specialty patients that have Scoliosis, trauma, and other unique needs and feel confident in your assessment & treatment.


Advanced Flow Knowledge on All Apparatuses

Be able to instruct clients with unique needs on any Pilates apparatus. Learn how to efficiently modify for unique movement patterns and get the most out of your entire studio setup.


Leverage Your New Skillset

Attract specialty clients with your new instructional abilities and build a diverse clientele. Ethically maximize your profitability while reaching a specialty audience.

Best of all, the Ascend Mentorship Program gives you access to a community of Pilates Master Instructors that will help you build confidence, share experience and grow your bottom line.


We believe in community over competition and we want to build a network of the BEST instructors in the world. Pilates instruction can be a lonely business. Once you’re in the Ascend community, you’re stuck with us for life. We promise encouragement, quality education and a “well” for when you need to fill up your cup!

I'm Ready to Level Up

“Angelie is a true teacher! Her in-depth knowledge; passion for Pilates and teaching Pilates is not only inspiring but highly effective. She is a true mentor guiding us through the material and modeling how to be a caring and able instructor. I am so grateful to her… “

Grow your Pilates instructor skills so you can confidently impact EVERY student you instruct.

3 monthly
payments of


(most convenient)

Sign Me Up!

A one-
time payment


(save $447: best value)

I'm Ready to Level Up!

**Modules may be purchased individually for a tailored experience at $399 per session.

Purchase Individual Modules

Ascend Mentorship Program

Join us for the complete course, or select the topic/week that interests you most!


Module 1: Introduction and Goal Setting Session


Purchase This Module Only


Module 2: Assessment and Protocol


Instructor Leslie Steensrud joins the party and lends her expertise in effective (and efficient) assessments. In this module you will learn how to identify “specialty” patterns in your clients and we will give you the blueprint to more effectively assess every client. We’ll watch each other’s movements as subject matter to get real time assessments.

Purchase This Module Only


Module 3: Intro to Scoliosis & Nervous System Work



Angelie lends her very personal experience with Scoliosis and spine specialty work and how to most effectively work with a client's specific needs. Rotational awareness, block stacking, and daily protocol creation will be addressed in this module.

Purchase This Module Only


Module 4: Outline Out the Window



In this module Angelie will share the gift she is best known for as a Pilates instructor, actually SEEING the body that is in front of you. You will walk away from this module rejuvenated & inspired to truly make a difference in every single body you touch. Learn why building relationships with clients though your unile teaching style is essential to growing a Pilates client base and learn techniques that will make you stand out from other instructors in your market.

Purchase This Module Only


Module 5: What is IFS (Internal Family Systems) and how do you deal with it in your own body?



In module 5, Alison Dyer will join us to lend her expertise on Internal Family Systems (IFS) and how it can be used with Pilates. IFS is a transformative , evidence based psychotherapy that helps people heal by accessing and loving their protective and wounded inner parts. Alison will dive into how learning the basics of IFS and incorporating the principles in your instruction can transform your effectiveness with clients.

Purchase This Module Only


Module 6: Geriatrics: Active Aging


“Aging gracefully” is not just an empty platitude, but was something Joseph Pilates himself was extremely passionate about. Understanding how to help this “specialty” group will elevate your ability as an instructor. In this module, Angelie will deep dive into specific considerations when working with an aging client.

Purchase This Module Only


Module 7: Empower for Hope


Patients who have endured chronic pain, especially from trauma or abuse are a specialty group who can largely benefit from Pilates work. In module 7, Alison returns to walk you through empowering this specialty group through movement and compassion. The words you use and the way you physically approach this type of specialty client can make or break their experience with you (and with Pilates as a whole.) You will leave this module with the tools you need to empower and provide hope through your instruction.

Purchase This Module Only


Module 8: Thinking Outside the Box


In Module 8, we introduce Yasmin Karachiwala, Pioneer of Pilates in India and Fitness Superstar, to our lineup of powerhouse instructors. Yas’s passion is helping Pilates instructors find (or reignite)THEIR passion! In this module you will learn how to introduce and sustain authentic power and energy into your individual sessions and group classes. You’ll learn how to motivate every individual, bring energy into any room and let your creativity flow!

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Module 9: Circuit Through the Circus


Module 9 is one of the most fun courses that Angelie teaches. Dust off what you think you know about your equipment and look at the possibilities in a whole new way! In module 9, you will learn advanced flow techniques on all Pilates apparatuses and how to get the most out of your entire studio space. Create a smooth transition flow from one piece of equipment to the next for a seamless session with any client.

Purchase This Module Only


Module 10: Marketing & Business Development

(Live )

We’ll round out a year of “ascending” through our Pilates practice with some practical business strategy with a successful Pilates Studio (Angelie) and marketing specialist, Shannon Wells. In Module 10, you’ll learn the best practices that have helped Angelie’s studio, Team Pilates, run successfully for 10 years. From attracting the RIGHT clients to running an efficient schedule and team, you’ll get a leg up on running a successful studio.

Purchase This Module Only


(2) Mentor Q & A Sessions

During week 5 & 10, we’ll open up the floor for questions that you have gathered along the way. We’ll discuss, inquire and pick the brains of all of the master instructors in the mentorship program.

**Bonus sessions included with the complete course purchase only.

Purchase the modules individually for a grand total of $3999




Save by enrolling in the complete Ascend Mentorship Program…

3 monthly
payments of


(most convenient)

A one-
time payment


(save $447: best value)

***Plus get access to the (2) BONUS “Mentor Q & A Sessions” with your purchase of the complete course!

Questions your fellow instructors and peers asked before diving into the Ascend Mentorship Program

Have a question we haven’t answered?

Submit your question here and we’ll be happy to provide an answer!




Real impact happens when you have the knowledge and skills to truly transform every unique body you interact with. 

It's time to prioritize & invest in yourself as an instructor. What could be more valuable?

Begin your journey to becoming a truly transformative instructor by joining Angelie.


Let's start with a phone call to make sure Angelie and the Ascend team are the right fit for you.

We're excited to start this journey with you!



We're building a community of world class Pilates Instructors, join the conversation.


Meet Angelie
Meet the Ascend Team


1:1 Intensives
Balanced Body Certification Courses
Ascend Mentorship Program


Team Pilates Studio
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